2024.10.18 (금)

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기상청 제공
Shoppy 로고
Documentary ‘The Confession’ Launched on Kickstarter
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산업 경제 뉴스

Documentary ‘The Confession’ Launched on Kickstarter

A road movie about the Civilian Massacre in Vietnam War

A scene from The Confession. A documentary about the Civilian Massacre during the Vietnam War in 1965, The Confession - A Priest and a Massacre Perpetrator is launching on Kickstarter.


A documentary about the Civilian Massacre during the Vietnam War in 1965, ‘The Confession - A Priest and a Massacre Perpetrator’ is launching on Kickstarter.

The main character of the documentary, Pastor Song has served the ministry for over 40 years. Still, he confesses that his life has been full of agony in the guilt of the Civilian Massacre of the Vietnam War. Veterans justify the massacre as a ‘patriotic act’ but, Pastor Song defines it as Murder.

Story First, the production that produced the documentary, planned the project to sincerely apologize to the Civilian Massacre victims and to put a stop to the repetitive ruthless ‘mistakes’ that occur during war.

Story First has completed 60% of its filming in South Korea and, is seeking support from Kickstarter's Backers prior to starting its filming in the United States and Vietnam.

More information on ‘The Confession - A Priest and a Massacre Perpetrator’ can be found on The Confession’s Kickstarter page.

언론연락처: Story First USA Inc. Daeil Song +82-10-4563-4924

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