2024.12.23 (월)

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Shoppy 로고
Advent of Industrial Robots to Boost Digital Transformation Market at a 14.2% CAGR: Fact.MR’s Latest Report
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산업 경제 뉴스

Advent of Industrial Robots to Boost Digital Transformation Market at a 14.2% CAGR: Fact.MR’s Latest Report

정보통신산업진흥원(NIPA)이 주관하는 2021 K-스타트업 그랜드 챌린지(KSGC) 데모데이에서 TOP 6에 선정된 콜롬비아 뷰티 스타트업 글로우썸뷰티(Glowsome Beauty)가 2021 K-스타트업 그랜드 챌린지(KSGC) 사업의 후속 지원을 통해 본격적인 국내 시장 공략에 나섰다.

K-스타트업 그랜드 챌린지 후속 지원은 해외 스타트업 및 외국 국적자들을 대상으로 전담 멘토링, 스타트업 맞춤형 공통교육 서비스 및 투자 기회를 제공해 국내 창업 및 조기 정착을 지원하는 프로그램이다.

‘2021년 K-Startup 그랜드 챌린지’에 참가한 최종 Top 30 팀을 대상으로 국내 비즈니스 정착 확장을 위한 추가 보육 기회를 제공하는 프로그램으로 주식회사 액틴이 운영한다. 특히 5월 27일에는 ‘오픈 이노베이션 네트워킹&워크샵’을 통해 2021 KSGC 후속 지원 운영 사업에 참여하고 있는 기업들 대상으로 국내 기업들과의 비즈니스 협력·협업 프로젝트 발굴, 오픈이노베이션 네트워킹 및 Pitching 기회를 부여했다.

글로우썸뷰티(Glowsome Beauty)는 K-뷰티 제품 홍보 및 중개 모바일 앱 플랫폼으로 K-beauty의 라틴 아메리카 진출을 위한 모바일 뷰티 애플리케이션을 개발했다. 특히 빠른 유통을 위한 물류 허브를 보유했으며, South America 지역의 공급망을 확보한 것이 강점이다.

특히 남미 지역 인플로언서 네트워크와 빠른 물류 유통라인을 확보한 강점을 활용해 ‘라이브커머스 플랫폼’ 신규사업 론칭을 준비하고 있다.

고객에게 맞춤형 스킨케어 루틴을 제공할 수 있는 뷰티 앱을 통한 새로운 경험 제공을 할 수 있으며, 최근 KSGC 후속 지원을 통해 K-Beauty 상품의 수출 이외에 한국 화장품 기업과 OEM 사업을 진행하고 있다.

KSGC 후속 지원 사업을 운영하는 서경대학교 산학협력단의 자회사인 액틴 이석형 대표는 “해외 우수 창업기업들이 K-Startup 그랜드 챌린지 프로그램을 통해 한국에 정착하고, 글로벌한 한국 창업 생태계가 형성돼 우수한 스타트업을 통해 청년들에게 양질의 일자리가 제공될 수 있도록 최선을 다하겠다”고 밝혔다.

액틴 개요

2019년에 설립된 액틴은 △시장 조사·여론 조사·경영 컨설팅 업종의 대학, 연구 기관 또는 신기술 창업 전문 회사가 보유한 기술의 사업화 △중소기업창업지원법 제6조 제1항에 따른 창업보육센터의 설립·운영 △중소기업창업투자조합 및 신기술사업투자조합 사업을 하는 기업이다.

언론연락처: 액틴 박명재 실장 02-940-2955

이 뉴스는 기업·기관·단체가 뉴스와이어를 통해 배포한 보도자료입니다.The global sales of digital transformation are expected to garner USD 2.3 Trillion in 2032 while recording a CAGR of 14.2% during the forecast period. The growth of the market can be attributed to the dynamic development of information technology. The advent of industrial robots is expected to play an important role in driving the market. Eminent organizations in the industry have launched several collaborative robots such as ABB’s YuMi, and KUKA’s LBR iiwa, which enhance workers’ safety. Over a few years, plug-and-play collaborative robots have gained significant traction. Surged demand for plug-and-play robots can be attributed to their ease of use.

The market is estimated to have experienced a growth rate of 23.6% from 2015-to 2021. Expansion of the market during the mentioned timeframe is credited to the growing inclination toward a digitalized setup, along with the emergence of various technically developed products and services from 2015-21.

With the ever-evolving regulatory environment, organizations are inclining towards a new customer era where digital technologies are performing a crucial role in meeting the demands of consumers. Also, organizations are producing an enormous amount of data that needs strong analysis and ML algorithms to develop insights, thereby, developing the digital transformation market. Enterprises are adopting modern technologies such as; big data, AI, and ML, to strengthen the digital transformation process and gain a competitive edge in the global competition.

New Government Policies Give A Boost To The Market of Digital Transformation in the Asia Pacific

APAC is expected to become the future hotspot for digital transformation owing to the rising investments in the process and implementation of various favorable policies by the government. As per the analysis, the market size of China, Japan, and South Korea is estimated at USD 134 Billion, USD 118 Billion, and USD 84.2 Billion respectively. China is projected at a growth rate of 13.9%, Japan at 13.3%, and South Korea at 13% during the forecast period.

In July 2021, the Ministry of Science and ICT of South Korea launched the Korean New Deal Comprehensive Plan to aid its advanced digital innovation centered around AI and data. Owing to such initiatives, the market in the region is anticipated to garner significant traction in the forecast period.

Key Takeaways from the Market Study:
· The global digital transformation for the big data and analytics market to garner USD 621.1 Billion in 2022
· The global sales of digital transformation to exhibit a CAGR of 14.2% by 2032
· The U.S market to procure USD 811.7 Billion by 2032
· The U.K market to record a CAGR of 13.7% by 2032
· Chinese market to garner USD 134 Billion
· Market in Japan to exhibit a CAGR of 13.3% from 2022-2032
· South Korean digital transformation for artificial intelligence market to secure USD 84.2 Billion by 2032

“Increasing popularity of AI, ML, and IoT to encourage organizations to adopt digital transformation. With growing awareness about its benefit, more organizations are willing to adopt the modern business models against the conventional style.”- remarks an analyst at Fact. MR

Key Segments Covered in the Global Digital Transformation Market Study

· Digital Transformation Market by Technology
-Digital Transformation for Cloud Computing
-Digital Transformation for Big Data and Analytics
-Digital Transformation for Mobility/ Social Media
-Digital Transformation for Cybersecurity
-Digital Transformation for Artificial Intelligence
-Digital Transformation for Internet of Things

· Digital Transformation Market by Deployment
-Digital Transformation for Cloud
-Digital Transformation for On-premises

· Digital Transformation Market by Organization Size
-Digital Transformation for SMEs
-Digital Transformation for Large Enterprises

· Digital Transformation Market by Vertical
-Digital Transformation for BFSI
-Digital Transformation for Retail and E-Commerce
-Digital Transformation for IT and Telecom
-Digital Transformation for Media and Entertainment
-Digital Transformation for Manufacturing
-Digital Transformation for Healthcare and Life Sciences
-Digital Transformation for Education
-Digital Transformation for Government and Defense

Competitive Landscape

Players in the global digital transformation market are focused to expand their product portfolio and enhance their influence in the market through strategies such as collaboration, partnerships, mergers and acquisitions, and others. Key players in the region include Microsoft, IBM, SAP, Oracle, and Google. Recent developments among players include:

· In August 2021, Kubota Corporation announced a partnership with Accenture to boost its digital transformation by enhancing its business model to contribute to food, environmental, and water solutions. The partnership will offer a platform for Kubota locally and globally by incorporating services that combine the digital technologies of Accenture, comprising AI and the IoT.
· In October 2021, Siemens Smart Infrastructure announced the acquisition of Wattsense, French hardware, and software firm that provides IoT management systems for small mid-sized buildings, bringing Siemens’ building product line to a new stage.

More Valuable Insights

Fact.MR, in its new offering, presents an unbiased analysis of the global digital transformation market, presenting a historical analysis from 2015 to 2021 and forecast statistics for the period of 2022-2032.

The study reveals essential insights on the basis of Analysis by Technology (Cloud Computing, Big Data, and Analytics, Mobility/ Social Media, Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things), Deployment ( Cloud, On-Premise), Organization ( SMEs, and Large Enterprises), Vertical (BFSI, Retail & eCommerce, IT and Telecom, Media and Entertainment, Manufacturing, Healthcare, and Life Sciences, Education, Government and Defense, and Others), and Region (North America, Latin America, Asia Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East & Africa).

언론연락처: Fact.MR Mahendra Singh +353-1-4434-232 (D)

이 뉴스는 기업·기관·단체가 뉴스와이어를 통해 배포한 보도자료입니다.


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