2024.12.22 (일)

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Organon Appoints Kirke Weaver as General Counsel and Corporate Secretary
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Organon Appoints Kirke Weaver as General Counsel and Corporate Secretary

Weaver officially takes on role after becoming interim head of the Office of General Counsel and Corporate Secretary in July 2022

Schneider Electric accelerates its AI at Scale strategy with solid progress in the first year


Schneider Electric, the leader in the digital transformation of energy management and automation, announces the progress made on its AI at Scale strategic initiative. With more than 200 people onboard in AI roles since 2021, the company has strengthened its foundations for enabling new revenue streams, savings, and efficient ways of working.

Over the past year, Schneider Electric has accelerated the momentum of AI by:

·Appointing its first Chief AI Officer, Philippe Rambach
·Implementing an AI hub and spoke operating model globally
·Bringing 200+ AI and data experts onboard
·Submitting 18 AI technology patents
·Enhancing 15 solutions with AI capabilities
·Developing 20+ internal AI applications
·Launching an AI knowledge base on se.com/ai

The AI Hub partners with all Schneider Electric business units and functions to address the most pressing customer challenges and prioritize AI use cases with the highest customer value. Focused on efficiency and sustainability, it has been working to further develop AI applications in the field of electrification, automation, and decarbonization, such as microgrid management, alarm management, and HVAC optimization for buildings, electric vehicles (EV) management, smart charging, asset management, and many more. Offers such as EcoStruxure Resource Advisor, EcoStruxure Microgrid Advisor or EcoStruxure Autonomous Production Advisor, are a few examples of AI-enabled Schneider Electric offers.

AI for sustainability

“At Schneider Electric, we observe a great demand from our customers to leverage data for operational efficiency, electrification, and automation. The growing energy costs make many of them turn to AI applications to manage, predict and optimize their energy consumption”, said Peter Weckesser, Chief Digital Officer at Schneider Electric. “We apply AI to enhance data-driven decision-making, agility and decarbonization. It has never been more visible that resource efficiency and energy sobriety boost the company’s profitability”.

First year of service of the Chief AI Officer

“The AI by Schneider Electric is AI for good. We challenge it with the biggest problem of our generation - climate change.”, said Philippe Rambach, Chief AI Officer at Schneider Electric. “It has been my first year in this role, and I am happy to discover and further develop the AI foundation of many of our products and services. Our customers rely on us to help them solve their challenges at scale, and they recognize that our advanced AI technologies and domain expertise make Schneider Electric the right partner in these difficult times.

Internal AI applications

On the internal efficiency side, the Schneider AI Hub and Spokes partner with all teams to unburden employees from day-to-day manual activities, allowing them to dedicate more time to customers, data analysis, continuous improvement, and real-time decision-making.

Among internal AI applications, the company launched a virtual sales assistant, which offers an entire ecosystem of connected tools supporting sales efficiency with data-driven recommendations. It provides custom actionable insights such as product recommendations, ordering patterns, or product decommissioning.

The AI Hub is currently developing applications in the field of customer support, finance, global supply chain, sales, HR, and more, which are all expected to enable significant efficiency and savings by 2025.

언론연락처: For Schneider Electric Energy & Sustainability Services THE SPRING COMPANY Kwon Jihye +82-2-796-1092

이 뉴스는 기업·기관·단체가 뉴스와이어를 통해 배포한 보도자료입니다.Organon (NYSE: OGN), a global women’s healthcare company, today announced that Kirke Weaver has been appointed General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, and will continue as a member of Organon’s executive leadership team, effective January 1, 2023. Mr. Weaver was named as the interim head of the Office of General Counsel and Corporate Secretary in July 2022.

Mr. Weaver brings nearly 20 years of pharmaceutical industry experience to the role, successfully providing legal and business advice in the multi-faceted, changing healthcare environment. Prior to serving as interim General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, Mr. Weaver served as Senior Vice President, Commercial, Regulatory, Securities, Employment and Deputy Corporate Secretary at Organon. As a senior member of the legal leadership team, he was critical to launching Organon as a standalone company in June 2021.

“Since being named as the interim head of the Office of General Counsel, Kirke has contributed deep, invaluable expertise to guide Organon, as we continue our journey to become a women’s health leader,” said Kevin Ali, CEO. “He brings excellence to the role, but also exemplifies our values by ensuring, above all else, our company’s commitment to operating with ethics and integrity.”

Prior to joining Organon, Mr. Weaver was a valuable member of the legal team at Merck, known as MSD outside the United States and Canada, most recently serving as Vice President, Office of General Counsel. He joined Merck in 2003, and held positions of increasing responsibility. He holds a B.A. from the College of William & Mary and a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from Yale Law School.

“I am excited to continue to lead Organon’s Office of General Counsel as we build a company to serve an important purpose in women’s health,” said Kirke Weaver. “I look forward to continuing to bring my skills to help solve critical issues that impact women and ultimately, society at large.”

About Organon

Organon is a global healthcare company with a focus on improving the health of women throughout their lives. Organon has a portfolio of more than 60 medicines and products across a range of therapeutic areas. Led by the women’s health portfolio coupled with an expanding biosimilars business and stable franchise of established medicines, Organon’s products produce strong cash flows that will support investments in innovation and future growth opportunities in women’s health. In addition, Organon is pursuing opportunities to collaborate with biopharmaceutical innovators looking to commercialize their products by leveraging its scale and presence in fast growing international markets.

Organon has a global footprint with significant scale and geographic reach, world-class commercial capabilities, and approximately 10,000 employees with headquarters located in Jersey City, New Jersey.

For more information, visit www.organon.com and connect with us on LinkedIn and Instagram.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20221212005040/en/

언론연락처: Organon & Co. Media Karissa Peer (614) 314-8094 Kate Vossen (732) 675-8448 Investor Jennifer Halchak (201) 275-2711

이 뉴스는 기업·기관·단체가 뉴스와이어를 통해 배포한 보도자료입니다.


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