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AGCO Brands Win Ten 2023 AE50 Awards
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산업 경제 뉴스

AGCO Brands Win Ten 2023 AE50 Awards

2023 achievement showcases farmer-first innovation across the company’s popular brand portfolio.

SK텔레콤 다이렉트 플랜 요금제 라인업


SK텔레콤(대표이사 사장 유영상)이 고객 가치 제고를 위해 온라인 전용 요금제 ‘다이렉트 플랜’을 12월 20일 새롭게 선보인다.

SKT는 기존 온라인 전용 요금제인 ‘언택트 플랜’을 다이렉트 플랜으로 개편하면서 △가입 조건 완화 △요금 라인업 확대 △혜택 강화 등 보다 많은 고객이 이용할 수 있도록 선택권을 강화했다.

먼저 SKT는 다이렉트 플랜 가입 조건을 완화하고, 유무선 결합상품에 가입할 수 있도록 요금제를 개편한다.

기존에는 약정에 가입 중인 고객이 T다이렉트샵에서 휴대폰을 구매하며 온라인 요금제에 가입하려면 위약금을 내야 했으나, 앞으로는 약정 승계 제도를 통해 위약금 없이 다이렉트 플랜에 가입할 수 있다. 또한 다이렉트 플랜은 ‘요즘가족플랜’ 등 유무선 결합상품 가입이 가능해 고객들의 요금 부담이 완화될 전망이다.

SKT는 요금제 라인업을 확대해 고객 선택의 폭도 넓혔다. 다이렉트 플랜은 신규 출시하는 5G 요금제 3종과 LTE 요금제 1종을 포함해 총 11종으로 확대된다.

신규 온라인 전용 5G 요금제는 3종으로 각각 △월 4만8000원에 데이터 110GB(소진 시 최대 5Mbps)를 제공하는 ‘다이렉트5G 48’ △월 5만58000원에 데이터 250GB(소진 시 최대 5Mbps)를 제공하는 ‘다이렉트5G 55’ △월 6만98000원에 무제한 데이터를 제공하는 ‘다이렉트5G 69’다.

또한 다이렉트5G 55, 다이렉트5G 62, 다이렉트5G 69 요금제는 월정액 수준에 따라 △스마트기기 요금 지원 △우주패스·wavve·FLO 등 구독 혜택을 추가로 제공하고, 이벤트를 통해 스마트기기 할인과 단말 파손 보험 혜택도 무료로 제공한다. 기존 ‘다이렉트5G 38’은 데이터 제공량을 11GB로 확대한다.

LTE 역시 월 3만원에 데이터 2.5GB(소진 시 최대 400kbps)를 제공하는 ‘다이렉트LTE 30’을 출시하는 등 고객의 요금 선택권을 확대했다.

김지형 SKT 통합마케팅전략 담당은 “온라인 요금제 개편이 고객들의 합리적인 통신 서비스 이용에 도움이 되길 기대한다”며 “앞으로도 다양한 요금 상품 출시를 통해 요금 경쟁을 선도해 나가겠다”고 말했다.

언론연락처: SK텔레콤 PR담당 혁신PR팀 주영호 매니저 02-6100-3840

이 뉴스는 기업·기관·단체가 뉴스와이어를 통해 배포한 보도자료입니다.AGCO Corporation (NYSE: AGCO), a global leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of agricultural machinery and precision ag technology, received ten AE50 Awards from the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) for 2023. Each year, an international panel of engineering experts recognizes the year’s 50 most innovative designs in engineering products or systems for the food and agriculture industries. AGCO’s ten AE50 awards span the company’s strong brand portfolio, including Fendt, Fuse, Intelligent Ag, Massey Ferguson, and Precision Planting.

“Innovation is core to our vision of being farmers’ most trusted partner for industry-leading, smart farming solutions and we’re honored to be recognized with ten AE50 Awards across our brand portfolio,” said Eric Hansotia, AGCO chairman, president, and chief executive officer. “Helping farmers maximize yield while reducing inputs and impact delivers real value to farmers and motivates our team to accelerate the pace of farmer-first innovation in every area of our business.”

The Fendt® 700 Gen7 Vario® is the brand’s most popular workhorse tractor. Redesigned to improve performance, reduce costs, and increase productivity, the tractor is one of the most versatile and operator-friendly tractors in its market segment with five models ranging from 203 to 283 engine hp, a standard VarioDrive™ CVT, FendtONE™ operators’ station, fuel-efficient AGCO Power™ 7.5L engine, and agronomic-boosting features such as the VarioGrip™ Central Tire Inflation System (CTIS).

Geo-Bird® from Fuse® is a free and intuitive web app that automatically optimizes waylines for multiple fields and implements, saving farmers time and money and supporting greater sustainability. Controlled Traffic Farming (CTF) waylines help farmers reduce time and cost requirements; turns, wheel traffic, and headland overlap; fuel usage and CO2 footprints; and yield-robbing soil compaction. Geo-Bird’s waylines are exportable to terminals of multiple brands for greater ease of use across disparate operations.

The Pit Level Monitor Model AP-6010 from AP (Automated Production®) uses electronic pressure transducers to efficiently measure effluent depth in manure pits below swine confinement facilities. This innovation provides swine facility operators with more accurate management information regarding manure pits, including early warnings of water leakage and remaining storage capacities.

The Massey Ferguson® LB2200 Series Large Square Baler merges the reliability of previous models with new cutting-edge technology advancements. A new pickup design improves baler feeding and parts reliability, while also reducing noise. New axle and tire offerings with a single bogie suspension improve ground clearance and rideability. Common Electric Architecture (CEA) provides greater information and control via ISOBUS terminal for Tractor Implement Management (TIM), bale length, bale eject, and bale chute fold.

The Massey Ferguson® WR Series Windrower provides up to 282 peak horsepower and an industry-exclusive closed-center hydraulic system for increased fuel efficiency and available header horsepower. This also eliminates the need for a secondary pump for auxiliary functions such as a triple windrow attachment (TWA). Technology updates improve field efficiency, reduce operator stress, and allow real-time tracking and data management. MF Guide ensures accurate auto-steering to minimize pass-to-pass overlap. Optional rear steer is available for road transport speeds up to 24.5 mph.

Recon SpraySense™ from Intelligent Ag™ is a retrofit sprayer product that measures pressure and flow at each nozzle to help ensure applications match targeted coverage and rates. GPS capability and a database of nozzles from major manufacturers infer accurate droplet size. Each nozzle’s performance is condensed as a single Spray Quality Score and provided to operators via an iPad application. Recon SpraySense is a turn-key solution and provides state-of-the-art technology on sprayers old and new.

ReClaim™ from Precision Planting® replaces nozzle bar endcaps in sprayers and provides a return path back to the tank for improved product agitation and circulation, faster boom priming, and improved boom cleanout. ReClaim also improves sprayer cleanout with compressed air that pushes product back to the tank where it is drained and properly disposed. These improvements reduce build-up in the boom, product waste on the ground, and crop damage from misapplication.

Precision Planting’s Radicle Agronomics™ is the world’s first, fully-automated soil laboratory. Its small footprint, self-calibration technology, and ability to run hundreds of unattended samples, replaces manual, error-prone processes and provides tremendous efficiency and improved accuracy to professional agronomists. Cloud-based software connects all steps of the field-to-lab process so agronomists can deliver superior nutrient management recommendations to their clients.

Precision Planting’s EM HD is a new liquid fertilizer controller and sensor that uses an electromagnetic flow sensor to provide row-by-row, high-speed liquid fertilizer rate control on row crop planters, side-dress implements, and strip-till implements. Immediate feedback from the flow sensor allows the system to make high-speed changes to the liquid valve control, which maintains a more accurate and consistent flow of fertilizer to the implement’s application point.

Precision Planting’s Blockage Expansion Module (BXM) is a monitoring component for non-singulated crop seeding implements that combines and connects multiple blockage sensors into a single connection point for 20|20 seed monitoring systems. By simplifying the implement’s electronic components and providing more user-friendly and actionable data, BXM improves the growers' ability to diagnose issues arising in the delivery of products from the commodity tanks to the application point.

For more information on these AE50 award-winning products, visit your nearest AGCO dealer, the links above, or AGCOcorp.com.

Online Version

An online version of this announcement with media downloads is available HERE. https://bit.ly/3WbQxqt

Fendt, Fuse, Geo-Bird, Massey Ferguson, Precision Planting, and Vario are registered trademarks of AGCO. AGCO Power, FendtONE, Intelligent Ag, Radicle Agronomics, Recon SpraySense, VarioDrive, and VarioGrip are trademarks of AGCO.

About AGCO

AGCO (NYSE:AGCO) is a global leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of agricultural machinery and precision ag technology. AGCO delivers customer value through its differentiated brand portfolio including core brands like Challenger®, Fendt®, GSI®, Massey Ferguson®, Precision Planting® and Valtra®. Powered by Fuse® smart farming solutions, AGCO’s full line of equipment and services help farmers sustainably feed our world. Founded in 1990 and headquartered in Duluth, Georgia, USA, AGCO had net sales of approximately $11.1 billion in 2021. For more information, visit www.AGCOcorp.com. For company news, information and events, please follow us on Twitter: @AGCOCorp. For financial news on Twitter, please follow the hashtag #AGCOIR.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20221213005076/en/

언론연락처: AGCO Bob Blakely 770-232-8018

이 뉴스는 기업·기관·단체가 뉴스와이어를 통해 배포한 보도자료입니다.


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