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Power Integrations Expands InnoSwitch4-CZ Integrated Switcher Family to 220 W
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산업 경제 뉴스

Power Integrations Expands InnoSwitch4-CZ Integrated Switcher Family to 220 W

New high-voltage GaN switches boost efficiency to 95 percent, yielding ultra-compact USB PD 3.1 adapters

왼쪽부터 부산소프트웨어마이스터고 윤혜정 교장, 블루바이저시스템즈 황용국 대표가 소프트웨어 기술 인재 양성을 위한 MOU를 체결한 뒤 기념촬영을 하고 있다


인공지능(AI) 솔루션 개발 전문 기업 블루바이저시스템즈(대표 황용국)와 부산소프트웨어마이스터고(교장 윤혜정)는 소프트웨어(SW) 기술 인재 양성을 위한 MOU를 체결했다고 27일 밝혔다. 협약 체결식은 부산시 남구 문현금융센터에 있는 블루바이저시스템즈 본사에서 진행했다.

블루바이저시스템즈는 AI 기반 비대면 HR 솔루션 ‘하이버프 인터뷰’와 AI 자산 관리 솔루션 ‘하이버프 재테크’를 개발·공급하는 AI 전문 개발사다. 부산소프트웨어마이스터고는 1970년 개교한 소프트웨어 산업 맞춤형 인재 양성을 위한 고등학교로, 2021년 교육부에서 부·울·경 SW 분야 마이스터고등학교로 지정됐다.

이번 MOU의 주요 내용은 블루바이저시스템즈의 AI 기반 면접 솔루션 하이버프를 학생들에게 무상 공급하는 것을 비롯해 △AI 소프트웨어 분야 멘토링 및 강의 △소프트웨어 분야 신규 인력 수급 정보 제공 △졸업생 가운데 우수 인재 채용 등이다.

블루바이저시스템즈가 이번 MOU로 부산소프트웨어마이스터고에 제공하는 하이버프 인터뷰는 학생들이 대면 실무 면접을 대비하기 위해 IT 기기를 활용, 이력서를 등록하고 AI 면접을 보며 면접 스킬을 키울 수 있으며, AI 알고리즘이 이력서와 면접 영상을 분석해 답변 정확도 및 긍정성 등 다양한 지표를 다른 면접자와 비교해 리포팅해준다.

이날 협약식에 참석한 블루바이저시스템즈 황용국 대표는 “이번 부산소프트웨어마이스터고와 협력 체결을 통해 잠재력 있는 재학생 및 졸업생들이 미래를 설계하거나 취업하는 데 도움이 됐으면 좋겠다”고 말했다.

한편 블루바이저시스템즈는 삼성전자, LG전자 B2B 파트너 체결에 이어 ‘부산형 히든챔피언(히든테크)’ 및 대한민국 혁신 성장을 이끌어 갈 ‘혁신기업 국가대표 1000’에 선정됐으며 △RA 테스트베드 1위 △스타트업 월드컵 TOP 10 △오라클 이노베이션 챌린지 우승 △이스탄불 테이크오프 파이널 수상 등과 뉴욕 패밀리오피스 챌린지 우승 등으로 나스닥TV에 보도된 이력으로 국내는 물론 글로벌 시장에서도 기술성을 인정받으며 성장하고 있는 회사다.

블루바이저시스템즈 개요

블루바이저시스템즈는 인공지능(AI) 스스로 재테크를 수행하는 ‘하이버프 재테크’ 솔루션에 대해 업계에서 최초로 GS인증 1등급을 취득했으며 △금융 당국의 RA 테스트베드 1위 △뉴욕 패밀리오피스 챌린지 우승으로 나스닥 TV 보도 △오라클 이노베이션 챌린지 우승 등 글로벌 시장에서 기술성을 인정받으며 성장하고 있다.

언론연락처: 블루바이저시스템즈 마케팅팀 이보윤 과장 1855-4549

이 뉴스는 기업·기관·단체가 뉴스와이어를 통해 배포한 보도자료입니다.Merck, a leading science and technology company, today announced the latest research representing the Company’s innovative oncology portfolio has been accepted for presentation at this year’s American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting, June 3-7, 2022. Data encompass Company-sponsored, investigator-sponsored, and external collaboration studies.

Abstracts to be shared at the meeting include data for the Company’s licensed medicines BAVENCIO® (avelumab), TEPMETKO® (tepotinib) and ERBITUX® (cetuximab), and its oncology pipeline. The presentations span key tumor types including advanced urothelial carcinoma (UC), advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC), metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC), and head and neck cancer (SCCHN).

“We look forward to coming together with the scientific community at ASCO 2022, where we will share the latest data from our portfolio, which demonstrate our determination to make a real difference in the lives of patients with some of the most challenging cancers,” said Victoria Zazulina, Head of Development Unit, Oncology, for the Healthcare business of Merck.

Select presentations include:

· BAVENCIO® (avelumab): New analyses of long-term data from the Phase III JAVELIN Bladder 100 study of BAVENCIO as first-line maintenance treatment in advanced UC, including data from subgroups defined by best response to first-line chemotherapy and in patients who did or did not receive second-line treatment after BAVENCIO maintenance.
· TEPMETKO® (tepotinib): Data for the oral MET inhibitor TEPMETKO include two poster presentations from the VISION trial reporting efficacy, safety and quality-of-life results of TEPMETKO in Asian patients with METex14 skipping NSCLC, and updated efficacy and safety results of TEPMETKO and exploratory biomarker analyses in patients with NSCLC with high-level MET amplification enrolled into Cohort B of the VISION trial based on liquid biopsy.
· ERBITUX® (cetuximab): Abstracts from key investigator-sponsored studies (ISS) exploring ERBITUX-based combinations, including the Phase III FIRE-4 study of early switch-maintenance from ERBITUX/FOLFIRI to bevacizumab/5-FU and rechallenge in later lines for RAS wild-type mCRC patients, and the Phase II AVETUXIRI study evaluating BAVENCIO combined with ERBITUX and irinotecan for refractory microsatellite stable metastatic colorectal cancer.
· Berzosertib: Results from research collaborations assessing the intravenous ataxia telangiectasia-mutated and Rad3-related protein kinase (ATR) inhibitor berzosertib, including the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program 9938 Phase I study of berzosertib plus irinotecan in patients with advanced solid tumors and NCI single-arm Phase II data of berzosertib plus topotecan in patients with relapsed extra-pulmonary small cell neuroendocrine carcinomas.

Below is a selection of key Merck-related abstracts accepted for presentation at ASCO 2022:

(To view the table, please visit https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220525005719/en/)

All Merck press releases are distributed by e-mail at the same time they become available on the Merck website. Please go to www.merckgroup.com/subscribe to register online, change your selection or discontinue this service.

Commitment to Cancer
Merck is a science-led organization dedicated to delivering transformative medicines with the goal of making a meaningful difference in the lives of people affected by cancer. Our oncology research efforts aim to leverage our synergistic portfolio in oncogenic pathways, immuno-oncology, and DNA Damage Response (DDR) to tackle challenging tumor types in gastrointestinal, genitourinary, and thoracic cancers. Our curiosity drives our pursuit of treatments for even the most complex cancers, as we work to illuminate a path to scientific breakthroughs that transform patient outcomes. Learn more at www.merckgrouponcology.com.

About BAVENCIO® (avelumab)
BAVENCIO is a human anti-programmed death ligand-1 (PD-L1) antibody. BAVENCIO has been shown in preclinical models to engage both the adaptive and innate immune functions. By blocking the interaction of PD-L1 with PD-1 receptors, BAVENCIO has been shown to release the suppression of the T cell-mediated antitumor immune response in preclinical models.7-9 In November 2014, Merck and Pfizer announced a strategic alliance to co-develop and co-commercialize BAVENCIO.

BAVENCIO Approved Indications
The European Commission (EC) has authorized the use of BAVENCIO as monotherapy for the first-line maintenance treatment of adult patients with locally advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma (UC) who are progression-free following platinum-based chemotherapy. BAVENCIO in combination with axitinib is indicated for the first-line treatment of adult patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC). BAVENCIO is also authorized by the EC for use as a monotherapy for the treatment of adult patients with metastatic Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC).

In the US, BAVENCIO is indicated for the maintenance treatment of patients with locally advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma (UC) that has not progressed with first-line platinum-containing chemotherapy. BAVENCIO is also indicated for the treatment of patients with locally advanced or metastatic UC who have disease progression during or following platinum-containing chemotherapy, or have disease progression within 12 months of neoadjuvant or adjuvant treatment with platinum-containing chemotherapy.

BAVENCIO in combination with axitinib is indicated in the US for the first-line treatment of patients with advanced RCC. Additionally, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted accelerated approval for BAVENCIO for the treatment of adults and pediatric patients 12 years and older with metastatic MCC. This indication is approved under accelerated approval based on tumor response rate and duration of response. Continued approval for this indication may be contingent upon verification and description of clinical benefit in confirmatory trials.

BAVENCIO is currently approved for at least one indication for patients in more than 50 countries.

BAVENCIO Safety Profile from the EU Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC)
The special warnings and precautions for use for BAVENCIO monotherapy include infusion-related reactions, as well as immune-related adverse reactions that include pneumonitis and hepatitis (including fatal cases), colitis, pancreatitis (including fatal cases), myocarditis (including fatal cases), endocrinopathies, nephritis and renal dysfunction, and other immune-related adverse reactions. The special warnings and precautions for use for BAVENCIO in combination with axitinib include hepatotoxicity.

The SmPC list of the most common adverse reactions with BAVENCIO monotherapy in patients with solid tumors includes fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, decreased appetite, constipation, infusion-related reactions, weight decreased and vomiting. The list of most common adverse reactions with BAVENCIO in combination with axitinib includes diarrhea, hypertension, fatigue, nausea, dysphonia, decreased appetite, hypothyroidism, cough, headache, dyspnea, and arthralgia.

About TEPMETKO® (tepotinib)
TEPMETKO is a once-daily oral MET inhibitor that inhibits the oncogenic MET receptor signaling caused by MET (gene) alterations. Discovered and developed in-house at Merck, TEPMETKO has a highly selective mechanism of action, with the potential to improve outcomes in aggressive tumors that have a poor prognosis and harbor these specific alterations.

TEPMETKO was the first oral MET inhibitor to receive a regulatory approval anywhere in the world for the treatment of advanced NSCLC harboring MET gene alterations, with its approval in Japan in March 2020. In February 2021, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted accelerated approval to TEPMETKO, making it the first and only once-daily oral MET inhibitor approved for patients in the U.S. with metastatic NSCLC with METex14 skipping alterations. Tepotinib is available in a number of countries, and under review by various other regulatory authorities globally. To meet an urgent clinical need, tepotinib is also available in a pilot zone of China in line with the government policy to drive early access for innovative medicines approved outside of China.

Merck is also investigating the potential role of tepotinib in treating patients with NSCLC and acquired resistance due to MET amplification in the Phase II INSIGHT 2 study of tepotinib in combination with osimertinib in MET amplified, advanced or metastatic NSCLC harboring activating EGFR mutations that has progressed following first-line treatment with osimertinib.

TEPMETKO Safety Profile from the EU Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC)
The special warnings and precautions for use for TEPMETKO monotherapy include Interstitial lung disease (ILD) or ILD-like adverse reactions including pneumonitis, increase of Liver enzymes (ALT and AST), QTc prolongation, and embryo-foetal toxicity.

The most common adverse reactions in ≥ 20% of exposed to tepotinib at the recommended dose in the target indication are oedema, mainly peripheral oedema, nausea, hypoalbuminaemia, diarrhoea and increase in creatinine. The most common serious adverse reactions in ≥ 1% of patients are peripheral oedema, generalised oedema and ILD.

About Berzosertib (M6620)
Berzosertib is an investigational, intravenous, potent and selective inhibitor of the ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related (ATR) protein that blocks ATR activity in cells. Berzosertib is the first ATR inhibitor evaluated in a randomized clinical trial in any tumor type, and it is the lead candidate in Merck’s DNA Damage Response (DDR) inhibitor portfolio. It is currently being investigated in a number of internal and external studies with early phase I/II data in small cell lung cancer, ovarian cancer, and various solid tumors. Berzosertib, formerly known as VX-970, was licensed from Vertex Pharmaceuticals in 2017. Berzosertib is not approved for any use anywhere in the world.

About ERBITUX® (cetuximab)
ERBITUX is an IgG1 monoclonal antibody targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). As a monoclonal antibody, the mode of action of ERBITUX is distinct from standard non-selective chemotherapy treatments in that it specifically targets and binds to the EGFR. This binding inhibits the activation of the receptor and the subsequent signal-transduction pathway, which results in reducing both the invasion of normal tissues by tumor cells and the spread of tumors to new sites. It is also believed to inhibit the ability of tumor cells to repair the damage caused by chemotherapy and radiotherapy and to inhibit the formation of new blood vessels inside tumors, which appears to lead to an overall suppression of tumor growth. Based on in vitro evidence, ERBITUX also targets cytotoxic immune effector cells towards EGFR-expressing tumor cells (antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity [ADCC]).

ERBITUX has already obtained market authorization in over 100 countries worldwide for the treatment of RAS wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer and for the treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Merck licensed the right to market ERBITUX, a registered trademark of ImClone LLC, outside the U.S. and Canada from ImClone LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Eli Lilly and Company, in 1998.

About Merck
Merck, a leading science and technology company, operates across life science, healthcare and electronics. Around 61,000 employees work to make a positive difference to millions of people’s lives every day by creating more joyful and sustainable ways to live. From advancing gene editing technologies and discovering unique ways to treat the most challenging diseases to enabling the intelligence of devices - the company is everywhere. In 2021, Merck generated sales of € 19.7 billion in 66 countries.

Scientific exploration and responsible entrepreneurship have been key to Merck’s technological and scientific advances. This is how Merck has thrived since its founding in 1668. The founding family remains the majority owner of the publicly listed company. Merck holds the global rights to the Merck name and brand. The only exceptions are the United States and Canada, where the business sectors of Merck operate as MilliporeSigma in life science, EMD Serono in healthcare, and EMD Electronics in electronics.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220525005719/en/

언론연락처: Merck Noelle Piscitelli +1 781 427-4351

이 뉴스는 기업·기관·단체가 뉴스와이어를 통해 배포한 보도자료입니다.Power Integrations (NASDAQ: POWI), the leader in high-voltage integrated circuits (ICs) for energy-efficient power conversion, today announced an expanded offering of the InnoSwitch™4-CZ family of high-frequency, zero-voltage switching (ZVS) flyback controller ICs. When paired with Power Integrations' ClampZero™ active-clamp IC and, optionally, the recently announced HiperPFS™-5 GaN-based power-factor corrector, the new ICs easily address the latest USB PD 3.1 specification for adapters and chargers up to 220 W.

“Road warriors demand light, compact, powerful adapters capable of rapidly charging all their mission-critical devices. The expanded power range of the new InnoSwitch4-CZ and ClampZero ICs allows charger/adapter designers to easily exceed 23 W per cubic inch for single- and multiple-output USB PD 3.1 certified designs,” explained Edward Ong, senior product marketing manager at Power Integrations. “Even at 220 W of output power, the family’s high efficiency minimizes waste heat; bulky heatsinks are not required on any of the active devices. The maximum switching frequency of up to 140 kHz minimizes transformer size, and the high level of integration approximately halves the number of passive components, MOSFETs and diodes that make safety-compliant PCB layout a challenge.”

InnoSwitch4-CZ ICs include a robust 750 V PowiGaN™ primary switch, active clamp drive and synchronous rectification in a compact InSOP™-24D package. Secondary-side sensing - achieved using Power Integrations’ FluxLink™ high-speed communications technology - provides exceptional CV/CC accuracy.

Adds Ong: “The use of a non-complementary-mode active clamp enables designs that work in both continuous (CCM) and discontinuous (DCM) modes. By operating across modes, it is much easier to support the wide load/range conditions often encountered in USB PD applications.”

InnoSwitch4-CZ ICs consume less than 30 mW at no-load, including input line voltage monitoring. The ICs feature a comprehensive suite of protection features, including auto-restart or latching fault response for output over- and under-voltage; multiple output under-voltage fault thresholds; and latching or hysteretic primary over-temperature protection.

Availability & Resources

A super compact 130 W, USB PD adaptor reference design (DER-957) is available for designers wishing to evaluate the InnoSwitch4-CZ flyback controller IC and ClampZero active clamp IC chipset. Devices are priced starting at $3.07 for INN4072C-TL and $0.66 for CPZ1061M-TLXXX in 1,000-unit quantities of the chipset. For further information, contact a Power Integrations sales representative or one of the company’s authorized worldwide distributors: Digi-Key, Farnell, Mouser and RS Components, or visit power.com.

About Power Integrations

Power Integrations, Inc. is a leading innovator in semiconductor technologies for high-voltage power conversion. The company’s products are key building blocks in the clean-power ecosystem, enabling the generation of renewable energy as well as the efficient transmission and consumption of power in applications ranging from milliwatts to megawatts. For more information, please visit www.power.com.

Power Integrations, power.com, the Power Integrations logo, InnoSwitch, ClampZero, PowiGaN, HiperPFS, FluxLink and InSOP are trademarks or registered trademarks of Power Integrations, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220525006023/en/

언론연락처: Power Integrations Linda Williams (408)-414-9837 Press Agency Contact BWW Communications Nick Foot +44-1491-636-393

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